

So we took a ferry to Long Island in the Whitsundays, which are lots of little islands that basically all look the same - which is to say, beautiful.

The beach at sunrise

It was exactly what you'd expect a beach resort to be: large patio, nice buffet, poolside bar.

Me, Sara, Rachel & Katie

The next day, while some of our group were on a two-day live-aboard sail, the rest of us went on the Carina day sail. The cloudy (sometimes rainy) weather didn't slow us down much; we just lounged on a huge catamaran all day, stopping on a pristine beach to snorkel and also to refrain from playing beach cricket. Honestly.

A little karaoke and pool-time later, and our three days in the Whitsundays were quickly over. Some of us, like Rob, could have used a little more time to recuperate, I guess.

Beer: part of Dodgy Rob's breakfast of champions

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